Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Major Mama Meltdown

I've been struggling with my emotions a lot the last few weeks/months. I'm very exhausted all the time, even after sleeping a full 7-8 hours each night. I find myself getting frustrated over silly things and have zero patience for my children. In turn I'm frustrated with myself and then sad. I'm just really overly emotional. I figure part of it is because my body is tired from either pregnancy or breastfeeding for the past 4 years straight. It's a lot of work and my body is having a hard time keeping up. I am concerned that it's partly perinatal depression as well but am keeping open lines of communication with my family so as to avoid any issues. Yesterday started out good. Naptime is when things went down hill quickly. Some days my boys will go to sleep without a single word and other days, like yesterday, they flat out refuse to sleep and instead make a huge mess. I let them stay in their room yesterday because they were quietly singing and talking/giggling with each other. Turns out they were actually breaking into their closet, which we keep locked to prevent them from destroying it. They emptied all the clothes off the shelves they can reach and then proceeded to climb onto the next shelf. I'm feeling overwhelmed with life as it is and just snapped when I saw the mess. There's a family history of abuse or taking discipline too far and I'm aware of these tendencies. So, I shut their closet doors and closed them back in their bedroom so I could take a minute to breathe. After a few minutes to cool down, bad idea, I went back in to begin clean up; only to find them back in the closet up on the shelf. I again lost it and didn't even know what to do. I brought them out of their room and tried to explain why it wasn't ok to do what they had done. I was so frustrated and could feel my blood beginning to boil. I had a full blown Mama Meltdown! My Husband graciously came home from work so I could escape for a few hours. I needed that time to refocus and remember they're only 3 and 2. They are children and are still learning. We've discussed implementing Mama's day, or few hours, off to save sanity but never really put it into practice. I think that's going to have to change. I will need to be my own advocate and ask for the time off. I need to take the time off and get away. It will make everyone happier and healthier if Mama is balanced and relaxed. I had been going on nightly walks, 2-4 miles long, and that was helping. Due to storms and the kids going to bed late I had missed the walks for almost a week and that was obviously too long. I need to make that a priority I now see! How often do you take time off to get away without kiddos? What do you do during your time off?

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