Thursday, March 17, 2011

Can I really be obsessive compulsive if my house is a disaster zone?

I've always "suffered" with OCD. I've never viewed it as a curse though as everyone likes a clean home. Before children my house was always obnoxiously clean. I loved scrubbing my bathroom countertops, vacumming was a relaxing thing to me, and my fridge was white as the day it was purchased! Now that I have children......lets just say my fridge is not quite the bright white it used to be. I'm lucky if I vacuum once a day (although I'm technically not supposed to vacuum until 6 weeks postpartum.....shhh, don't tell my Midwife!). Toys are strewn about everywhere, including little mines running down the stairs just waiting to trip you up and send you flying down the steps if you mistakenly carry a basket of laundry down before cleaning them off. Dishes are always piled above my head in the sink and I don't feel like the dishwasher can keep up with our demand and it's only going to get worse once my Daycare starts back up. Laundry seems to multiply faster than my brain can comprehend. Micah ran out of pj's 3 nights ago and has been wearing sweat pants and a onesie to bed until today when I FINALLY got 5 loads done.

I often find myself too exhausted to even move from the couch to get any cleaning done. I realize that I would be a lot less stressed and hence would feel more energetic if I would just get up and get it done. The mess makes me go nuts and then gets overwhelming so I don't know where to start and then it gets worse and worse....see the revolving problem developing! I feel like a failure when my Husband arrives home from work. I often wonder if he's thinking, "she stays home ALL day, what could she possibly be doing that prevents her from doing some form of cleaning"? I know he doesn't feel this way, especially after being home for a month before and after Shaelyn was born. He understands that 3 children 2 and under is a LOT of work and that just getting my teeth brushed means I've accomplished a lot.

I'm always striving to be the Proverbs 31 wife. Mainting a clean home, being wise with my spending, making home cooked meals, etc. I have come to realize, however, that there is a season for everything. In this current season of diapers, diapers, diapers, middle of the night nursings, owies to kiss, baths to give, and laundry, and dishes to be done, life is simply about survival right now. The immaculate house, gourmet style home cooked meals every night, and "got it all together" Mama will happen LATER!

My children will only be 2.5, 1, and 4 weeks old for today! Soon they'll be in school, driving, and eeek, dare I say, getting married, and having their own children! I'll relish these moments where they still need me and aren't emberassed to give me a hug and kiss, in fact they request them! I'll change poopy diapers until the cows come home, nursing my baby at 3:00am until I'm delirious from exhaustion....wait, I'm already there! I'll break up squabbles, make lunches that they, "don't like", wash dishes, do laundry, and wipe snotty noses and I'll love it! Life is not about the things you do for people it's about the people you do things with! I'm so blessed to have Jacobi, Micah, and Shaelyn! I love my children with all my heart and couldn't ask for more wonderful gifts! My Husband loves me and does everything for me and for him I am truly greatful!

A little tip I got from a very wise Mama: when stressing over the dirty dishes, mounds of laundry to do, bills to pay, thankful for the food you have to dirty the dishes you're blessed with. Be thankful for the clothing you have that is pretty and isn't falling apart! Be thankful for the washer and dryer you have to clean those clothes! Be thankful for the job that brings in the money to pay the cell phone bill, electric bill, heating bill, cable bill, mortgage, car loan, etc! Life could be far harder than it is!!!

Have a great Thursday and remember that all things are possible through Christ who gives you strength!