Saturday, July 24, 2010

Overwhelmed with love and emotion.

Well, yesterday marked 10 weeks in this pregnancy. On Thursday I had some spotting and ended up getting an ultrasound to check on this little baby. Baby was bouncing around like crazy and the tech was giggling because, "I've never seen a baby this active prepared"! I'm so thankful everything is ok with this newest addition to our family!
I've been very emotional the last few days. I'm worried about there being enough of me to go around with each of my 3 children. I remember being so tired in the third trimester with Micah that I would fall asleep while Cobi played. Micah will probably not even be a full year old yet when this baby is born. I just feel like I'm jipping them of my time and energy. I know we didn't plan this pregnancy and God must have other plans, I'm just concerned that it's going to be too overwhelming. I know the Lord doesn't give us more than we can handle but there are days with just these two that I feel like I can't take anymore.
My house is a disaster zone that I can't keep up with. I used to be so overly zealous about cleaning that I would be exhausted and not able to play with my children. Now, though, I've gone the other direction and I play with my kids until they go to bed and then I hop in bed exhausted. I guess I just need to find a happy medium. I know it will get better and nothing can break me when I've got God on my side. :)
I just keep meditating on Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE"! God knows what he's doing and he's got it all under control. I've got hope in my Savior and I can trust his word! He has plans for us that we just can't see yet! I keep reminding myself everytime I feel overwhelmed that "Blessed is the man whose quiver is FULL" Psalm 127:5

It's all good! God is GOOD, all the time and ALL the time, God is GOOD!!! Amen and Amen!

Friday, July 9, 2010

It's been TOO LONG!

Wow, it's been quite a while since I've posted a blog last....sorry! Things have been busy, busy, busy and oh, so fun!

Micah David was born on February 8th, 2010. He weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20.5 inches long. He was 2 weeks early but shocked the nurses with how stable he was! It was a natural labor and delivery and labor lasted a total of 3 hours!

Micah is currently 5 months old! He's rolling over and really wants to start moving! His Baba calls him Sampson because he's been standing since the day he was born. He refuses to be burped over a shoulder or sitting down. He smiles all the time and is VERY content!! He recently found his toes and loves playing with his feet now.

Jacobi is 20 months old right now! He's running, jumping and talking like crazy! He can say more words than we can count! He loves making animal sounds and playing on his new playset! He's a great big brother who is always giving Micah kisses and telling him, "Shhhh, ok" whenever Micah cries.

We recently found out, during an ER trip for a ruptured cyst, that I'm pregnant again. Today marks 8 weeks into this pregnancy. We're still shocked but so excited and trusting the Lord! This baby is due February 18th, 2011...10 days after Micah's 1st birthday! I had a dream a few days before I must have become pregnant:
We were at Micah's 1st Birthday party and I leaned over and asked him to, "Give your SISTER a kiss". The baby was a NEWborn and wrapped in a pink blanket. So we're curious to find out if this baby is a little girl like the dream! We're also wondering if this baby will indeed come early, like Micah did. It will be a testimony regardless to have another little miracle join our family!

Jeremy is still working at Verizon Wireless in Shakopee. He's talking with his managers about becoming an Assistant Manager!!! We're praying it'll happen soon since it means more money, which would obviously be helpful with another baby on the way! He's a great Dad and the boys LOVE spending time with him! Their faces light up when they see him get home at the end of the day!

I'm hoping to open a daycare soon. We've started the process of sending in all the paperwork and we're just waiting on background checks at this point. I'm not sure how many other children I'll want to take it right away since I'll have my own Irish Triplets! That's right, 3 under 3 is considered Irish Triplets! Yikes! I'm feeling pretty good still. Morning sickness has kicked in but the exhaustion doesn't seem to be hitting yet. I'm still nursing Micah and praying it continues to go smoothly!

I'll definitely try to keep this blog more updated from here on out!

Be blessed!