Friday, September 4, 2009

16 weeks pregnant!

Recent Photos!!

What a CUTIE!

On the Pontoon with Daddy!

No, he wasn't crying....he was sleepy....

He sat so still the entire time!

First Haircut!
Cobi Fishing with Mommy, Daddy & Grandpa Schwartz!

The Family in Duluth!
Jeremy's amazing photo of Tiger Woods!

16 weeks pregnant with a Baby BOY!!

Hi again,
Sorry for the long delay with updates. I ended up in the e.r. again today for cramping and bleeding. They performed an ultrasound and baby looked just fine. They're not sure why I'm having these symptoms and have told me to take it easy....yeah right, I've got a 10 month old! However, we did get to find out we're having another BOY!! We're so excited and thankful that he is healthy!!
Jacobi is still not walking, although I thought for sure he would be. I've been told to wean him off of being carried, which again is crazy since he's only 10 months old! He's babbling a lot and loves to interrupt his Auntie Jamie when she's talking! He's getting cuter and cuter each day!! We love him and are looking forward to giving him a playmate in February!
Well, that's about it for now. We'll update again soon!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Blog!

Hi Everyone,
Well, I've seen a lot of friends using blogs to keep family and friends updated and I thought it seemed like a good idea! So, here goes.........
The Schwartz's have been very busy lately! Jeremy went to the PGA Golf Championship everyday last week! He tried out a virtual golf game while there and hit the ball within 11 inches of the pin! He got the closest out of everyone that tried that day! As a result he won a very cool golf bag and 25,000 air miles!!! Unfortunately, after we started planning our vacation we found out that you don't get to fly 25,000 miles's actually only worth about $250.00. SO, we are just going to save the miles and see what the next few years bring. Maybe we'll be able to afford a flight next year....we'll see! He had a blast seeing all these very famous players up close and personal! He got some great pictures! I went with on the last day and also had a blast watching everyone play! Grammie & Grandpa Schwartz watched Cobi so Mommy & Daddy got a full date day! Too bad Tiger let the championship slip through his fingers. Oh well, it was still fun!
The last two weekends were spent having two garage sales. One was at Jeremy's Grandma's house in St. Croix Falls, WI and the other was at my Mom's house in St. Paul. Overall we had a great turnout but not a lot sold. Oh well, it all went to Goodwill and will be a great tax write-off! I'm shocked at how well Cobi did during the sale considering we spent all day Thursday-Saturday of both weekends at the sale. He's such a trooper!!
I'm currently trying to finish my courses to get my degree in Medical Transcription! I've only got a few more exams left and then it's off to the job hunt! I'm praying for doors to open quickly! Most companies require you have 2 years of experience before they'll even consider you as an employee but that's the catch is that it's hard to get experience without experience.....we'll see what happens there!
I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant and beginning to get my energy back! It's been so nice being able to take naps while Cobi does! I'm extremely excited to be into the second trimester offically! We're so blessed and thankful for this baby's health! 6 more weeks until we find out the gender!!! We're hoping girl but the cliche' saying applies: "We would prefer a girl but really don't care either way as long as the baby is healthy"!
Cobi is such a good little boy! He'll be 10 months old on the 21st. I can't believe how quickly it's gone. He's always so happy and smiles for everyone! He's definitely NOT shy! He enjoys crawling and getting into EVERYTHING! He took his first unassisted step tonight! I didn't think I'd want him walking this soon but it'll be nice to not have to carry him once I'm bigger! He's still sleeping through the night, which he's been doing since about 6 months old! He's truly a blessing and a wonderful addition to our family! I love just playing on the floor with him. You can see him absorbing so much knowledge each day!!
Jeremy, Cobi, Beca and myself recently went to Underwater Adventures and Bodies at the Mall of America. It was so much fun and really educational! I wish we had more time at Bodies to really take in all the information we were reading! Unfortunately, it was nap time and Cobi was fading quickly.
Jeremy is still working at Verizon Wireless as a Salesman in the Shakopee store and I'm still at home with Cobi! We're blessed more and more everyday and hope to use this blog to keep everyone updated on our lives!

Jeremy, Joy & Jacobi
P.S. We've currently misplaced our camera but as soon as I find it I'll make sure to upload pictures!